Here at Pepperberry & Co. Headquarters, we are experiencing a problem.

It appears that every time we sew, one of the following two things happens:
1. The top thread breaks. Ultra infuriating.
2. A stitch is missed because the bobbin thread is not grabbed. Infinitely annoying.
We have attempted the following resolutions:
1. Seriously upgrading the quality of the thread, from cheap-brand polyblend to expensive-brand cotton. The problems got worse.
2. Adjusting the tension of the sewing machine. This made no difference.
We are appealing for public assistance in this matter. Should you have any details that could help with the investigation, please contact us using the form below. All tips leading to a solving of the dilemma will receive ridiculously grateful emails.
Due to her role as the manager of the Shivershop, Coco was unfortunately unavailable to pick the three people who won gifts as a part of Pay It Forward. Instead, I was blindfolded, handed a list of people who had left comments and a red pen, and told to draw three circles on the list. This was the result:

So, congratulations to:
- The gorgeous Harley Dee of Koala Fuzz;
- The lovely Kit of Diva Quilts;
And, by proximity to The Dotty One, who should never have been on the list due to the fact that Pay It Forward came from her...
- The wonderful Emmy from Number Seventy Five!
Congratulations, ladies! Make sure you email me your addresses and I'll pop your gifts in the post.
If you promise not to tell a soul, I might just show you a sneak peek of one of the delightful items making an appearance at this Saturday's Market Stall...
Ok, are you ready?
Presenting... Lined Snap Purses!

Now, they may only look like simple (if stunning!) little wallets, but they are in fact some of the complex pieces of sewing genius that you shall ever see. Or do I just feel that way because I'm a total beginner? :-)
Because you're such good secret-keepers, I'll also show you my very first Pepperberry & Co. iron-on labels:

Aren't they simply charming? I'm excited!

8:06 AM |
About Me,
Market Stall,
When Craft goes Wrong
Pepperberrians Said...

Comments (18)
Have you tried changing your sewing needle? "They" say you should change them for every 8 hours of sewing, and from the looks of it... you've been sewing for waaaay more than that! Sometimes you get a bur or something in the eye of the needle that makes the thread break, or you need a different size needle.... Just a few ideas. The wallets are very sweet, and I love the labels, too. Good luck at the Market Show!!!!
I love these purses....and need at least four.
<3 sarasophia
If you've already switched to good quality thread (I love dem cheap polycottons but they do get fuzzy!) I'd say take the needle out and put it back in. Change to a new needle if that one's looking a bit blunt, but sometimes even putting the same one back in will fix the problem.
For your thread breakage problem, it sounds like your machine may be threaded incorrectly.
I have that problem now and again, and if I completely unthread and then rethread my machine, the problem resolves itself. Also, make sure your bobbin is the "right" kind for you machine. I have two machines and the bobbins look nearly identical, but the ever-so-slight difference is a big deal to the machine.
Hope that helps!
Unthread completely, replace the needle, and check the bobbin is round the right way too. A clean and oil usually helps too - or maybe it just makes me feel better. some thread is more temperamental that others, so changing that might help.
good luck with it
Hi Sandra!
Beautiful wallets sweetie, gorgeous fabrics & I love your labels too - all very professional! :-) I so wish I could make it to your stall this weekend!!!
I agree with Andrea, I usually take my bobbin and top threads out, put a new needle in, and then thread it all again, it usually works. You'll have to let us know how you go!
Have a GREAT time at Market!!!
Vikki x
Your fancy-pants snap purses are gorgeous Sandra. Gorgeous... and finished! Well done.
I agree with Andrea about your bobbins. Worth a try.
yay! I won! :) And I LOVE those little wallets!
You gals are wonderful!! I did as suggested- unthreaded, changed needles, cleaned it out a bit- and it's PERFECT! To be honest, I think the needle was the main problem- I didn't actually know I had to change them unless they snapped. But now I do, thanks to my gorgeous readers.
P.S. Lynne- I've found your blog and I love it, and I keep trying to reply to you or post a comment, and for some reason I can't do either. I would love it if you could contact me via email so I know where to respond to!
Love the labels. Love the purses. Don't think I can help you with your sewing machine - I would have suggested adjusting tension so if that hasn't worked I don't know...
Get back to that shivershop and keep sewing!!
I'm with the others - change your needle and give you machine a good clean and oil. It works for me and I use those cheap threads. Love the snap purses - very stylish. Ohh and how or where did you get those stunning iron on lablels?
Dear Sandra. I so enjoy the way you write, and I couldn't stop laughing when I read about the troubles with the tread. Not that I think it is af funny problem, but because I wish I had a solution to your problem, AND therefore would be the lucky reciever of a ridiculously grateful mail. hihi
Also I drives me up the wall, that I dont live near you, I would so love to visit you at your stall. Look at and touch the things you've created BUT maybe someday :-)
I you sell them, maybe I could have sent some of your labels?? Will gladly advertise a little, aruound here.
Kind regards and hugs from Henriette
By the way..
Another blogger have a little challenge for us all every monday. This weeks challenge is to illustrate and describe the word creativity. YOU should join and show some of your creations. :-) Look here:
I know it's in norwegian but anyway....
Dammit! Well I am a winner in my own head!
LOVE the wallets. I squealed when I saw your labels. They are adorable!!
You know I have that same problem with thread. If you solve it would you post the solution?
Hi there, found you via Kayi Dreaming...
I had exactly the same problem as you did with my machine and yep, fixed it the same way...RTFM and re-threaded it EXACTLY how it stated and perfecto!
Glad you got a quick solution!
BTW - I think you should enter my contest - just because I won your prize doesn't mean you shouldn't win mine!
Also - if none of these solutions help, I have the same problem with my machine from time to time and I've found a solution, but it's quite complicated to explain, so if necessary, I'll do a photo tutorial for you. ;)
Sandra, I love your blog. You have always been the crafty one, it was never me, but you're inspiring me to DO stuff! :-) Will post pictures of my endeavours in the near future...have 5 days off work, so we shall see what I end up doing! :-) xoxo
You gals are THE BEST!! You have so many fantastic ideas that I never would have thought of. I'm definitely getting lollies now that you've suggested it; there'll be prices displayed everywhere; and I'm working on making a multi-level display using logs :-) How exciting! I promise to get photos up to share with you all. xx